I’ll shoot me a groundhog for my momma

I’ve been wandering up and down the creek by the trailer lately to see what’s out there. I’ve found a few squirrels and even managed to find a few deer tracks as well, though the rifle I have now is too low a caliber for something bigger than a duck. I had told my mother that I’d like to shoot for her a few squirrels so she could skin them for a dinner one night.

Earlier today I’d said to myself I’d stumble upon a squirrel out in the open. Moments after I start my little hike up the creek bed and I’d spotted not a squirrel, but a good sized groundhog. He was posted right beneath the neighbor’s deer stand, with a nest carved out into the clay, hidden only by fallen tree limbs. He dove into his burrow quick though so I let him be. I’ll have to get him another day.


Now read this

I’ll be up come morning light

I can’t sleep, again. It seems almost inevitable that I’ll still be awake when the foggy light starts creeping into the corners of my room. It’s currently 0500 CST, and I’m curled into my usual slouch on the sofa. In order to get myself... Continue →