Legs like jelly-filled stockings

I’m am entirely exhausted. The day has been one big scripted scene, where I move on autopilot.

After work I’d like to have mowed the lawn since it’s started to sprout big flower patches, but I can’t find the key to the shed. I don’t like looking out at acres of wildflowers and dandelions.

The air unit is broken as well, and although it’s under a warranty, the mechanic has yet to have come out to fix it. It’s broiling here.

My feet have imprints all over them from the little pills in my work socks. I love the feeling of peeling off a sock and letting the skin air out.

I think I might shoot the rifle by the creek a little bit. Or maybe nap since I haven’t slept very well.

I have plans to go to my step-cousin’s highschool graduation celebration later. He’s a good guy, but I hope they don’t pray.

Punks can be gentle too. Here’s proof:


Now read this

I try to sleep

Or maybe I try to keep myself awake. It seems like I’m tired every single day. It’s been like this for a long time, being so drained. I’d like to think of myself as strong, like most young men would, but I feel worn. I have moments of... Continue →